burnaby coach houses

Building a Laneway House

What to Do Before Building a Laneway House or Garden Suite

Owning a home can be pricey, especially in urban cities. So, it makes sense that more property owners are getting creative about monetizing their space. Enter laneway homes and garden suites, a growing trend among Canadians who are looking to create more housing space for their families or generate rental income. Thinking of creating or…

Burnaby Laneway housing solutions

Laneway homes: What this new housing solution means for Burnaby homeowners

Burnaby Laneway Housing Solutions. Smallworks, Vancouver’s premier builders of laneway homes, explains why you should care about this new concept for residential living. A transformative approach to urban living is unfolding across cities in North America, offering modern families a novel way to rethink their housing needs. Laneway homes, a concept that has been gaining…

Garden Laneway House

They enjoyed the laneway home so much, their plan changed …

By Georgie Binks Special to the Star Saturday, March 16, 2024 Garden Laneway House in Toronto’s west end inspired homeowners and architects to design something special for the residence. Architect Betsy Williamson explains: “We aligned the south-facing window of the second-floor living room with the driveway to give the owners a view and connection to the street.”…

Vancouver BC updates

B.C. clears path for more townhomes, laneway houses, secondary suites

By Charlie Carey / City News Everywhere. Posted November 1, 2023, 1:58 pm.  The B.C. government is introducing legislation Wednesday that it says fixes “outdated zoning rules” and will deliver more small-scale housing units, like townhomes, triplexes, and laneway homes across the province. The government says that historical zoning rules in any of B.C.’s communities have…

new standardized designs

New standardized designs will help build more homes quicker

BC Gov News News Release Victoria Thursday, November 16, 2023, 10:15 AM Homeowners and builders will soon be able to develop new housing quicker and with less cost as the Province works to create new standardized designs for small-scale, multi-unit homes, such as townhomes, triplexes and laneway homes. “In Order To address our housing crisis, we must use…

Burnaby approves Laneway Homes

Burnaby approves Laneway Homes and Secondary Suites in Semi-Detached Homes

Last updated: September 12, 2023 On September 18, the City of Burnaby will begin accepting applications for laneway homes and secondary suites in semi-detached homes. These new-to-Burnaby housing types will expand the options available to homeowners and renters alike, without fundamentally changing the character of the city’s residential neighbourhoods. Both laneway homes and suites in semi-detached…