The BC Laneway Housing Newsroom

In the BC Laneway Housing Newsroom, Burnaby Laneway Houses excerpts and links to stories about the Laneway House, Carriage House and Semi-detached house market in BC! Note the opinions expressed are those of the source of each news item.

Vancouver BC updates

B.C. clears path for more townhomes, laneway houses, secondary suites

By Charlie Carey / City News Everywhere. Posted November 1, 2023, 1:58 pm.  The B.C. government is introducing legislation Wednesday that it says fixes “outdated zoning rules” and will deliver more small-scale housing units, like townhomes, triplexes, and laneway homes across the province. The government says that historical zoning rules in any of B.C.’s communities have…

new standardized designs

New standardized designs will help build more homes quicker

BC Gov News News Release Victoria Thursday, November 16, 2023, 10:15 AM Homeowners and builders will soon be able to develop new housing quicker and with less cost as the Province works to create new standardized designs for small-scale, multi-unit homes, such as townhomes, triplexes and laneway homes. “In Order To address our housing crisis, we must use…

Burnaby-style development

Vancouver mayor pushes for Burnaby-style development around several SkyTrain stations in the city

Push for more density part of a series of policies Ken Sim plans to bring to council in coming weeks. The Canadian Press · Posted: Oct 11, 2023, 9:08 PM PDT | Last Updated: October 11 The mayor of Vancouver says he set a foundation on Wednesday to address the housing crisis in the city, while reducing…

Burnaby taking additional steps

Burnaby taking additional steps to address affordable housing crisis

The Penticton Herald: Lubna El Elaimy, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Burnaby Beacon Sep 21, 2023 With a number of announcements over the last few months tied to housing in Burnaby–including just one last week involving 20 new units at Susana Cogan Place–it seems to be quite busy on the home-building front. As another example, the…

Burnaby approves Laneway Homes

Burnaby approves Laneway Homes and Secondary Suites in Semi-Detached Homes

Last updated: September 12, 2023 On September 18, the City of Burnaby will begin accepting applications for laneway homes and secondary suites in semi-detached homes. These new-to-Burnaby housing types will expand the options available to homeowners and renters alike, without fundamentally changing the character of the city’s residential neighbourhoods. Both laneway homes and suites in semi-detached…

Laneway houses vancouver

Vancouver wants to add 4,000 more new laneway houses by 2028, so we talked to the city’s laneway home expert.

The dish on what City Hall can do to make building them easier for homeowners and what Vancouver can learn from cities like Los Angeles John Kurucz Mar 15, 2022 6:30 AM Vancouver is Awesome The good thing about Twitter is that it gives many people a chance to offer many different viewpoints. The bad…